Events News

Discussions with prosecutors of BiH Prosecutors Office on Complex Financial Crimes

On 12 October 2019 Mr Renaud Van Ruymbeke EU Expert, former Dean of the Investigative Judges, specialized in very complex financial and economic cases at the Court of Paris, and Ms Isabelle Arnal, EU4Justice Team Leader, had a meeting with Ms Gordana Tadić, Chief Prosecutor of the Prosecutors Office of BiH, and her Deputy Ms Ozrenka Nešković. This meeting was organised at the end of a two-day exchange of experience between Mr Van Ruymbeke and nine (9) Prosecutors of the Special Department for Organized Crime, Economic Crime, and Corruption of the Prosecutors Office of BiH.

Mr Van Ruymbeke discussed the difficulties the prosecutors are facing when they are investigating complex criminal cases of an international character. The expert put forward some possible ways to move forward.

The issue of international cooperation in criminal matters was very much in focus as there is an urgent need to speed up the circuit of exchange of information on Mutual Legal Assistance between BiH and other countries in order to achieve results.

Other aspects of work of the Prosecutors Office of BIH were also discussed during the Plenary meeting of the Prosecutors involving the fight against organised crime, economic crime, corruption, and money laundering.