The first of three specialized training courses in the field of ethics and integrity in the judiciary was held on March 5th and 6th at the premises of the Center for the Education of Judges and Public Prosecutors of the Republika Srpska in Banja Luka, jointly organized by the entity Centers for the Education of Judges and Prosecutors (CEST) and the EU4 Justice project in coordination with the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council of BiH. This activity is part of the CEST annual program for 2025, entitled Improving educational schemes in the field of ethics and integrity.
The education was attended by judges and prosecutors, heads of judicial institutions, professional associates and court secretaries, and the sessions were led by certified educators in the field of ethics and integrity, with the assistance of international expert Dr. Otilia Pacurari.
The event was opened by the Director of the CEST in the Republika Srpska, Slobodan Zec, who emphasized the relevance of this approach to working on ethics and integrity for the daily work of judicial office holders. Using advanced educational methodology in the aforementioned field, this event took place in the form of an interactive discussion based on existing real-life ethical dilemmas, with the aim of responding to the challenges faced by judicial functionaries in their everyday work environment in accordance with international standards and domestic regulations.