Strengthening supervision and control in prosecutors’ offices

Activity 1.1 – Conduct an analysis on mechanisms for complaints against prosecutorial decisions and procedures to address them, and on supervision mechanisms monitoring the prosecutors’ decisions in
prosecutor’s offices (POs) in order to identify systemic shortcomings and control deficiencies, and to increase transparency.

Activity 1.2 – Strengthen the use of existing provisions and mechanisms -if any- for internal monitoring to enhance efficiency of POs; Prepare targeted recommendations to address identified gaps through short-, medium- and long-term measures.

Activity 1.3 – Compare recommendations of “Opinion No. 11 (2016) of the Consultative Council of European Prosecutors (CCPE) on the quality and efficiency of the work of prosecutors, including when fighting terrorism and serious and organized crime” with the situation in BiH and provide support for the implementation of selected recommendations such as the general complaint mechanism concerning prosecutor’s work.

Activity 1.4 – Assess situation on possible unjustified reallocations of cases in courts and POs (CMS/ TCMS), in particular as regards organised crime and corruption cases and suggest countermeasures, if needed.

Activity 1.5 – Develop a plan to address excessively long criminal investigations and court proceedings, which are in breach of the right to a fair trial within a reasonable time and which hamper efficiency.

Activity 1.6 – Provide an analysis of standards in EU Member States for immunity-granting and pleabargaining and provide targeted proposals for law amendments.