In cooperation with CEST FBiH and CEST RS, the EU4Justice project organised online training for judges, prosecutors and representatives of Law Enforcement Agencies “Ethics within the public sector, controls of public officials’ means and conflict of interests, the HATVP experience” in aiming to raise awareness of the prosecutors, judges, members of LEAs, investigators on how and why controlling means and conflict of interests is of importance in a modern democracy.
The purpose of the workshop is to share the experience of the French Institution in charge of such a mission, the HATVP – High Authority to the Transparency of the Public Life based on concrete cases. Monitoring methodologies, control measures have been described as having a very operational impact on the investigation skills of attendees. Which data are, and can be used? To what purpose? Results of investigations, etc… This module has been supported by the description of a large panel of concrete examples. Issues of ethics were of special interest to the participants.
The speakers from HATVP were Ms Alice Bossière, Deputy General Secretary; Mr Tim Caron, Project Manager, International relations Department; Mr Sébastien Margotte, Director, Direction of controls on public officials and Ms Marie Lintzer, Head of international partnerships. Over 40 participants participated in the training.