During the second day of the round table on the “Organisation and Role of the Court Experts in Court Proceedings in Council of Europe, EU and BiH” participants had the opportunity to deepen the discussion.
The participants had the opportunity to discuss various aspects of Court Experts’ work and relations with the Judiciary. Based upon the CEPEJ recommendations, it was noted that effective updates of the Court Experts’ list are needed by the respective Institutions.
The importance of institutional dialogue was emphasised and as well as the need for communication of all actors in the judicial system for the benefit of justice. The issue of institutional visibility of the Court Experts was stressed, the organisation of multidisciplinary associations was recognised as one of the potential tools that might assist in this area.
Participants agreed that continued capacity building through training of Court Experts is immensely important and that the added value of the exchange of good practices and experiences should be treasured and encouraged.
The technical requirements like the Code of Ethics and the insurance for the Court Experts were emphasised as elements of the paramount importance of Court Expert professionalism.