EU4Justice project, in cooperation with CEST FBiH and CEST RS, is organising an online training for judges and prosecutors “Training digital media – technical skills and use of the social media”. The purpose of the workshop is to equip the judiciary communicators with the necessary skills to engage on digital channels effectively with external audiences in support of the delivery of messages.
This module will encourage a strategic and managed approach to digital communication and will pull the use of online platforms together for a coherent and targeted outcome in the digital space. Due to the specificities of the online module, the training will be organised into three two-hour sessions, from February 23 to 25, 2021.
The areas that will be covered in this training are:
- Digital environment
- Platforms and content
- Best practices
- Ethics and integrity, based on best practices from the French High Judicial Council.
This training is developed by EU4Justice project for prosecutors, judges and communicators in prosecutors’ offices and the courts in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Ms Chantal Bussière an honorary magistrate, former member of French High Judicial Council will deliver a presentation on the Ethics and Integrity, while Ms Sanela Tunovic-Bećirović will share her experience on the topic of digital communication.
The deadline for application is: 19 February 2021
To apply for this training please write to Mr Almir Tabaković, CEST FBIH ( or Mr Nikola Mitrović, CEST RS ( ). For all other questions, please contact Ms Maja Čvoro, EU4Justice project ( or mobile phone +387 65 337 399.