Education Events News

New Training Announcement: “Assets seizure and confiscation”

“Assets seizure and confiscation” is the topic of the new online training for judges and prosecutors. During the training, experts/lecturers will focus on proposing a practical approach to assets seizure and confiscation, going through practical examples derived from the most recent international cases through the prism of corruption cases.

The purpose of the workshop is to offer a comparative approach in assets seizure and confiscation based on international cases involving cross-border cooperation, sensitive exchange of data and specific modus operandi.

The training will be held on June 28, 2021 (ZOOM platform), and simultaneous interpretation will be provided.

The trainers/lecturers at this workshop are Mr Filhol and Mr Chirat.

Mr. Vincent FILHOL, Prosecutor, French Ministry of Foreign affairs, Legal Department

After graduating in corporate and public law, Vincent worked as a prosecutor for three years, dealing with all types of crimes. He then joined the Ministry of Justice in Paris where he drafted legal advice and research for the ministerial cabinet and prosecutors in France specialized in financial crime.

He joined the Financial National Prosecution Office in Paris in 2015, one year after its creation, and this experience gave him the opportunity of working as a prosecutor in the fight against illicit flows (money laundering, corruption, tax fraud…).

Most recently, Vincent joined the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 2019, working as a legal adviser for international civil and criminal matters, covering two main areas: the anti-corruption and data protection frameworks.

In addition to these activities, Vincent is delivering training and legal advice on issues such as illicit gotten gains, the French judicial system, and more generally, international judicial cooperation and white-collar crimes.

Mr Emmanuel CHIRAT, European Public Prosecution Office, French delegation.

He was a magistrate, legal advisor on secondment at the Ministry of Economy and Finances, supporting tax services in the implementation of its criminal action plan (disclosure, investigation, lawsuit, tax collection). Emmanuel is an experienced Prosecutor, specialized in financial crimes for more than 20 years. Currently, he is European Delegated Prosecutor,

Before being the liaison Magistrate with the French General Directorate of Tax within the Ministry of Economy and Finances, Emmanuel worked for six years as Financial Public Prosecutor at The French National Financial Prosecutor’s Office (aka PNF). The specialized institution in fighting against complex tax fraud, market abuses and corruption offences (bribery, misappropriation of public funds, influence peddling, etc).

He previously worked as a public prosecutor (district prosecution office of the jurisdiction of Créteil (Paris area), belonging to the department of the public prosecution office dealing with serious economic and financial crimes.

Emmanuel started his career as a customs officer, acting as a financial investigator and judicial investigator for the Directorate-General of customs and excises.

In addition to his professional duties, Emmanuel is conducting training at the international level. He is associated with the current training program of the European Public Prosecutor Office staff.

The deadline for application is: 23 June 2021

To apply for this training please write to Mr Almir Tabaković, CEST FBIH ( or Mr Nikola Mitrović, CEST RS ( ). For all other questions, please contact Ms Maja Čvoro, EU4Justice project ( or mobile phone +387 65 337 399.